Get Involved
The Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee is responsible for planning and securing financial support for the many programs at Saint Andrew’s through letters to members, stewardship talks during services and weekly bulletin announcements. As needs and opportunities increase, the role of the committee will become a year-round effort with expanded responsibilities.
The Finance Committee
The Finance Committee meets monthly to monitor the church’s financial situation, discuss strategic financial issues and make recommendations to the vestry for approval. Its key functions include drafting an annual budget for consideration by the vestry, reviewing the church’s monthly financial statements and, upon request, providing advice on financial matters to the vestry and the rector.
The Property Committee
The Property Committee is a curator of an historic place that maintains the health and safety of the buildings and grounds, inside and out, things seen and unseen — from mundane tasks such as securing replacement parts for equipment, to painting or digging up weeds. Much time is spent coordinating with the rector and sexton on repairs, maintenance, and upkeep decisions, which can include preparing reports to the vestry so that financial decisions can be made.
There are always needs to be met, and volunteers are welcome to join the committee at any time. Those to whom God has given special talents such as plumbing, masonry, painting, carpentry an other such skills are eagerly sought, but anyone is welcome to join.
The Gardeners
The Gardeners are a dedicated group of green thumbs who enjoy getting dirty. Together they work to maintain the gardens surrounding the church and Trinity House.
Parish Life
Parish Life is the group behind the special social events at Saint Andrew’s, including funeral receptions, the Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper, the parish picnic, the reception that follows Lessons & Carols during Advent, and more. Volunteers who like to prepare food, plan parties, decorate, and/or wash dishes are always welcome. Contact Darlene Nordoff to join this fun group!