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October 2024
Community Cafe
Join us every Thursday for a free meal! Donations are accepted, but never expected.
Find out more »Adult Forum
Diocesan Convention Delegates will share information about the resolution on reunification between our diocese and the Diocese of Bethlehem that will be presented for a vote with a recommendation from the Reunification Committee to accept the proposal. In addition to resolutions for each diocese's convention, an Agreement of Union was developed that outlines what the work of the next year might look like as one diocese including regional organization, constitution and canons, finances, and Diocesan Bishop.
Find out more »The Canterbury Society
The Canterbury Society at St. Andrew’s recognizes those individuals and families who have remembered St. Andrew's in their estate plans through a documented planned gift. Please join us on Sunday, October 13, to learn more about the Canterbury Society and ways to include St. Andrew’s in your estate plan.
Find out more »Community Cafe
Join us every Thursday for a free meal! Donations are accepted, but never expected.
Find out more »Adult Forum
A History of Lessons and Carols Music Director, Canon Walter Wells, and organist, Gwen Catchen, will talk about the history of the service of Lessons and Carols which takes place annually during Advent.
Find out more »African Bible Study
St. Andrew's Daughters of the King invites you to join a bible study focusing on the Acts of the Apostles. Everyone is invited to participate. The African Bible Study method was introduced by the African Delegation to the Lambeth Conference in 1998. It is rooted in the ancient method of praying the scriptures, known as Lectio Divina, or “Holy Reading.” A selected passage is read aloud from three different versions of the Bible by three different voices. After each reading, listeners are invited to respond in…
Find out more »Men’s Group
St. Andrew’s Men’s Group gathers once a month at 5:30 p.m. for food and fellowship, usually followed by reflection on the Bible at about 6 p.m. All men of St. Andrew’s are welcome. Questions or requests for more information can be sent to Dennis Shea.
Find out more »Community Cafe
Join us every Thursday for a free meal! Donations are accepted, but never expected.
Find out more »The Philadelphia Eleven
The Philadelphia Eleven is the true story of the ‘irregular’ ordinations of the first eleven women priests in the Episcopal Church – which took place 50 years ago (!) at the Church of the Advocate in North Philadelphia. Episcopal at Penn State is partnering with the Center for Spiritual and Ethical Development and St. Andrew’s Friday Films and Daughters of the King to host a viewing of the film on Friday, October 25, at 7 p.m. in the Memorial Lounge…
Find out more »Fall Cleanup Day
Join members of the Property Committee and fellow parishioners for a “Cleanup Day” at St. Andrew’s. This outdoor work will consist primarily of leaf raking, weeding and pruning, and other tasks as time allows. Our goal is to make sure our grounds are safe and attractive now and ready for the winter ahead. Bring a leaf rake and similar yard-work tools (if you have any), your favorite gloves and kneepads, and dress appropriately for the weather. We need your help…
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