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February 2024
Ashes to Go
Imposition of Ashes and blessing, in front of church
Find out more »Community Cafe
Join us every Thursday for a free meal! Donations are accepted, but never expected.
Find out more »Friday Film – on Saturday!
On a special date and time, Friday Films is proud to present Oppenheimer as its selection for February. Due to the length of the film, it will begin at 5 p.m. on Saturday, February 17. There will be a half-hour break at approximately 7 p.m. Pizza and snacks will be provided. Admission is free, and all are welcome. Oppenheimer, directed by Christopher Nolan and nominated for 13 Academy Awards, is a dramatization of the life of J. Robert Oppenheimer and his work…
Find out more »Adult Forum
Gwen Catchen and Walter Wells look at the psalms from a musical standpoint. Bring your voices and be prepared to raise them in psalm song!
Find out more »Taize Prayer
Taizé is a candle-lit, meditative service of music, silence, brief readings, and prayer lasting approximately 35 minutes. It is coordinated by the Daughters of the King and the music is led by Steve and Lisa Hopkins.
Find out more »Lenten Supper and Program
Wednesdays in Lent Canterbury Hall 6 p.m. Dinner (Provided by St. Andrew’s; suggested donation $10) 6:45 p.m. Program * We will skip March 6 due to Spring Break. Theme: “And who is my neighbor? Exploring storytelling in faith and morality” Jesus summarized the Law: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.” Then to justify himself a…
Find out more »Community Cafe
Join us every Thursday for a free meal! Donations are accepted, but never expected.
Find out more »Adult Forum
Strategic Planning Presented by Jeff Packard and our Senior and Junior Wardens Following a day-long retreat with the vestry and our consultants from the Vandersall Collective, Fr. Jeff and our wardens will present an update on the results of the core values survey we recently completed and a look ahead at the next steps in our strategic planning process.
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