Children’s Programs
The Nursery
The Nursery provides child care for infants up to age 3 every Sunday during the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist, and all other principal feasts and holy day services. We have an infant room and a toddler room, each designed to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our youngest visitors and members. Our goal is to provide a positive introduction to the Saint Andrew’s parish family through story time and play.
Godly Play Program
Our Godly Play class welcomes children ages 3 – 2nd grade in Room 338 during the 10:00 service, to hear biblical stories and experience God’s love. Teachers use simple wooden figures and felt backdrops to tell most of the major stories in our Christian tradition – from the Hebrew Bible to the New Testament, including the parables of Jesus. Children have time to wonderabout what they’ve seen and heard and respond with their own creative work.

Grades 3-6
For our older children, we use great lesson plans from the National Episcopal Church that are based on the same Scripture readings parents are hearing in worship. Children can expect interesting activities and discussions to help them learn and grow in faith. The class meets in Room 335 during the 10:00 service.