Adult Formation


We recognize the necessity of spiritual inquisitiveness to strengthen and enliven our faith, therefore we provide programs to welcome doubting Thomases, and we invite questioning Christians to voice their questions. Former Bishop Michael Creighton posed the question, “What kind of society would we have if we stopped educating our young people in math, science and English after seventh grade the way some churches stop Christian formation after confirmation?” At Saint Andrew’s we draw on the expertise and interests of congregants to continue our Christian formation at 9:00 a.m. on Sundays. Lay leaders offer lectures and discussion on topics from George Herbert to global warming; from Anglicanism around the world to the impact of feasting and fasting on stewardship.

Spiritual Life

Spirituality is our connection to that which is beyond our understanding, greater than any individual and greater than any group; spirituality is our individual connection to God. Within vibrant Christians or within a vibrant community, spiritual life continues to grow and deepen, enriching the individual as well as the larger community. Attention to the inner life is at the core of this aliveness. Regular contemplative events such quiet mornings, praying the Anglican rosary, Lenten programs and Lectio Divina of poetry provide a venue for Saint Andrew’s congregants to recognize God’s presence through deepening and growing their personal practice.

Study Groups

Short-term (usually four to six weeks) study opportunities are made available at various times each year, sometimes following a national church curriculum, other times following a course of study created in-house. As religion commentator Diana Butler Bass puts it, “Heart and head, spirit and intellect, tradition and questioning — all of a piece.” Examining these pieces in community can be the foundation of spiritual growth; integrating the pieces is the essence of healing.

Education for Ministry

Education for Ministry is a program of theological distance-learning education of the School of Theology of the University of the South. Students sign up one year at a time for this four-year program, which covers the basics of a theological education in the Old and New Testaments, church history, liturgy and theology. Students meet regularly, usually once a week, in seminars under the guidance of trained mentors. The program grants a certificate at the completion of the four years and 18 continuing education units for each year’s work. Every baptized person is called to ministry, and the EfM program provides the education to carry out that ministry. It gives participants an opportunity to discover how to respond to the call to Christian service. Learn more at

Arts @ St. Andrew’s Blog Site

This venture, sponsored by parishioners involved in the creation, interpretation, and teaching of the arts, is devoted to the exploration of the relationship between Christian faith and artistic creation. Featuring new contributions on a more or less monthly basis, the blog site is designed to stimulate interest in the capacity of imagination to express, examine, and enrich our spiritual journey and enhance our experience of worship.

Book Group

This friendly, welcoming and diverse group meets monthly in the church library to discuss a book chosen by our members. We will explore books from a wide range of genres, including best sellers of fiction, non-fiction, and memoirs, to philosophy, history and science. Selected books will be manageable in length (less than 350 pages) and no discussion too tame.  Politics will not be discussed nor books selected that exist purely for their discussion. We’re a lively and humorous literary bunch, and we hope you join us in the stacks. Check the Events Calendar for details about our current book selection and meeting time.

Daughters of the King

Saint Andrew’s is home to the Julian of Norwich chapter of Daughters of the King, an international order of women from the Episcopal, Roman Catholic, and Lutheran churches who take a vow to pray daily, serve the rector of their parish, and live their lives in a manner consistent with Christ’s teachings. In past years, we have offered quiet mornings, rosary construction workshops, the recitation of the Anglican rosary, prayer workshops, and book discussions. Please contact Michele Marini ( or join us for a meeting.

Lectio Divina

Based in monastic tradition, Lectio Divina involves a slow contemplative reading of a Bible passage. The passage is read multiple times and we are invited to sink deeper into the text with each reading.  In the end we are invited to let the Scriptures speak into our lives and to sit with God.  The group typically meets the third Sunday of the month at 9:00 am, and sits with one of the Lectionary readings for the day. Contact Christina Ford for more information about the group and when it meets.

Friday Film Series

The Friday Films ministry strives to increase our enjoyment of cinema by sharing the experience together and engaging our minds, as well as our emotions and imagination. We believe that all film genres are worthy and in a season, will screen everything from classic to contemporary offerings, documentary films to fantasy adventures, and edge-of-the-seat thrillers to goofball comedies. We also highly prize the discussion that follows each film and respect all opinions, interpretations and questions that arise from viewing the movie.

Friday Films also does not confine itself to monthly films, as we will screen special offerings throughout the year such as Christmas and Easter. We also endeavor to help foster a welcoming and friendly atmosphere for St. Andrew’s annual Out of the Cold guests by offering fun, lively and seasonal movies.

Whether you consider yourself a critic, film buff or simply a fan, Friday Films will surely have something for everyone. Please check the Events Calendar for all movies and showtimes.


It is the mission of the library at St. Andrew’s to provide materials that promote the work of the church’s ministries and to make available materials that provide inspiration and knowledge to further the Christian growth of the library users. The library houses everything from children’s books to reference materials to non-fiction books. The archives house historical records, as well as primary source documents and photographs that pertain to the history of St. Andrew’s.

Compassionate Life

This group of women, primarily from St. Andrew’s, meets on the first and third Thursday of each month during the academic year at 9:30 a.m., with a focus on learning about compassion, sharing it, and reaching out to compassionate causes. Activities include reading books, hearing speakers, and contributing to local and international works of mercy.


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Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
208 West Foster Avenue
State College PA 16801
ph. (814) 237-7659