Opportunities to Serve

Altar Guild

Altar Guild quietly performs a vital church ministry behind the scenes. Members — young and older, men and women — work together to appropriately set the Lord’s table for each service, caring for the church linen, silver and vessels; making sure the necessary wine, wafers, candles and oil are in place. Four groups each serve once a month, and there is a wonderful fellowship among the members.


Acolyting means assisting in the leadership of the service. It is a meaningful way for congregants in middle school and older to serve God, to follow Christ’s example of service and to participate in the liturgy. The lighting of the candles brings in the light of Christ. Extinguishing the light carries it forth, symbolizing the taking of the light into the world and reminding the congregation that we should always carry the light of Christ with us. In addition to lighting and extinguishing the candles, acolytes carry the cross and torches, help prepare the altar for communion and otherwise assist the priest during the service. Contact Robin Bastress  at children@StAndrewSC.org or the church office.

Greeters and Ushers

Greeters and Ushers welcome congregants and newcomers, hand out the weekly Messenger and collect the offering as a contribution to the community in worship.

Lay Readers & Chalice Bearers

Lay Readers & Chalice Bearers help to lead worship in a meaningful way for laity by reading appointed lessons and Prayers of the People and by administering the chalice during communion.

Oblation Bearers

Oblation Bearers deliver the bread and wine to the altar before communion. Being an oblation bearer is a simple way for individuals and families to take part in the service.

Nursery and Child Care

Child care is offered during the 10:00 a.m. Eucharist every Sunday. Nursery is also offered at other services and times, such as Christmas Eve and the Easter Vigil. Heather Gregory organizes caregivers for the nursery. It’s a great opportunity to serve and a great place for kids to feel comfortable and have fun with lots of toys. For more information or to volunteer, please contact Heather at youth@StAndrewSC.org

Church School Leaders

Children from preschool through sixth grade are welcome to attend an enlivening and enriching program on Sundays during the 10:00 Eucharist. Our Director of Children and Youth has developed a unique and engaging curriculum for each age group. Volunteers work in pairs or in groups to nurture our young people in expanding their knowledge of Christ and Episcopal tradition. Contact Robin Bastress at children@StAndrewSC.org to discuss the program or to volunteer to work in a classroom and make a difference in the lives of young people.

Youth Leaders

In the Journey Youth program at Saint Andrew’s, each class has four adult leaders, who take turns teaching on Sunday mornings, and also participate in youth dinners and other activities . It is a big commitment, but the rewards are immeasurable. Anyone interested in being a youth leader should contact Heather Gregory at youth@StAndrewSC.org

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Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church
208 West Foster Avenue
State College PA 16801
ph. (814) 237-7659